let (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð

sögn “let”

let; he lets; past let, part. let; ger. letting
  1. að leyfa
    She let her friend borrow the dress for the party.
  2. að láta vera (að skipta sér af)
    His mother let him play outside after he finished his homework.
  3. að láta leka
    The child let some air out of the balloon to prevent it from popping.
  4. að leigja út
    She's letting her apartment to a student for the semester.
  5. að bjóða (starf, forréttindi eða verkefni)
    The city council decided to let the contract for the new park to the lowest bidder.
  6. skulum (í orðasambandinu "skulum gera eitthvað")
    Let's go to the park and enjoy the sunny weather.
  7. láttu mig vita (í orðasambandinu "láttu mig vita")
    Please let me know what you want for dinner.

Nafnorð “let”

sg. let, pl. lets
  1. útleiga
    After renovating the apartment, they put it up for let at a higher price.
  2. tafir (eitthvað sem veldur töfum eða stöðvar framgang)
    The broken elevator became a significant let to the movers trying to deliver furniture to the top floor.
  3. let (í tennis, þegar boltinn snertir netið en lendir á réttum stað og þarf að þjóna aftur)
    During her serve, the ball grazed the net and landed in, so the umpire called a let and she served again.