sögn “haul”
nafnháttur haul; hann hauls; þátíð hauled; lh. þt. hauled; nhm. hauling
- draga
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
They had to haul the heavy logs up the hill to build the cabin.
- flytja
The company hauls freight across the country using large trucks.
- leiða (með valdi)
He was hauled before the court for his involvement in the fraud.
- stýra skipi nær vindi
The captain ordered the crew to haul the ship to adjust its course.
Nafnorð “haul”
eintala haul, fleirtala hauls
- fengur
The thieves made off with a haul of cash and jewelry from the store.
- leið
For long hauls, truck drivers often work in shifts to stay alert.
- dráttur
It took several hauls to get the car out of the ditch.
- afli
The fishermen had a good haul today.
- kaup (safn af keyptum hlutum, oft sýnt á netinu)
She shared her shopping haul on her fashion blog.
- fjöldi (stiga eða marka)
His haul of four goals led the team to victory.