
obligation (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “obligation”

tunggal obligation, jamak obligations atau tak terhitung
  1. kewajiban
    After signing the contract, he had an obligation to complete the work by the deadline.
  2. kewajiban atau tanggung jawab yang harus Anda laksanakan karena itu benar secara moral atau hukum.
    Citizens have an obligation to vote in elections to shape their country's future.
  3. kewajiban (rasa terima kasih)
    She felt a deep obligation to care for her mentor in his old age after all he had taught her.
  4. Kewajiban (suatu perjanjian hukum yang mengikat seseorang atau organisasi untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu)
    The company has an obligation under the lease to maintain the property in good condition.