
connection (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “connection”

tunggal connection, jamak connections atau tak terhitung
  1. proses penyambungan atau penghubungan
    The electrician completed the connection of the wires, and the lights turned on.
  2. lokasi atau titik sambungan
    The plumber checked the connection between the pipes.
  3. rasa keakraban atau pemahaman bersama antar individu
    Their shared love for poetry created an instant connection during their first meeting.
  4. Koneksi, yang berarti hubungan sebab akibat antara dua hal atau lebih.
    Scientists have found a strong connection between air pollution and respiratory problems in children.
  5. koneksi antar perangkat atau sistem
    The Wi-Fi connection in the coffee shop allowed customers to work online while enjoying their drinks.
  6. perpindahan terjadwal dari satu moda transportasi ke moda lain
    She hurried through the airport to catch her connection to Rome.
  7. orang yang memiliki hubungan dengan orang lain, baik melalui ikatan keluarga maupun asosiasi bisnis
    He got the job through a connection at his uncle's firm.