connection (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “connection”

sg. connection, pl. connections or uncountable
  1. die proses van koppeling of skakeling
    The electrician completed the connection of the wires, and the lights turned on.
  2. die plek of punt van samevoeging of aansluiting
    The plumber checked the connection between the pipes.
  3. 'n gevoel van verwantskap of gedeelde begrip tussen mense
    Their shared love for poetry created an instant connection during their first meeting.
  4. verbinding (Dit dui op 'n oorsaaklike verhouding tussen twee of meer dinge.)
    Scientists have found a strong connection between air pollution and respiratory problems in children.
  5. 'n skakel tussen toestelle of stelsels wat kommunikasie of interaksie moontlik maak
    The Wi-Fi connection in the coffee shop allowed customers to work online while enjoying their drinks.
  6. 'n geskeduleerde oorskakeling van een vervoermiddel na 'n ander
    She hurried through the airport to catch her connection to Rome.
  7. 'n persoon wat verwant is aan iemand anders, hetsy deur familiebande of deur sakeverhoudinge
    He got the job through a connection at his uncle's firm.