nom “wire”
sg. wire, pl. wires ou indén.
- fil
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The craftsman shaped the sculpture using wire.
- câble
Be careful not to touch the exposed wires.
- micro caché (dispositif d'écoute)
The detective wore a wire to gather evidence.
- un message envoyé par télégraphe ; un télégramme
He received a wire informing him of the news.
verbe “wire”
infinitif wire; il wires; prét. wired; part. passé wired; gér. wiring
- câbler
An electrician came to wire the new house.
- attacher avec du fil métallique
They wired the broken gate shut.
- virer (envoyer de l'argent)
She wired me the payment yesterday.
- mettre sur écoute (installer des dispositifs d'écoute)
The police wired his office to gather evidence.