
wire (EN)
kata benda, kata kerja

kata benda “wire”

tunggal wire, jamak wires atau tak terhitung
  1. kawat
    The craftsman shaped the sculpture using wire.
  2. kabel
    Be careful not to touch the exposed wires.
  3. alat penyadap
    The detective wore a wire to gather evidence.
  4. pesan yang dikirim melalui telegraf; telegram
    He received a wire informing him of the news.

kata kerja “wire”

infinitif wire; dia wires; lampau wired; part. lampau wired; ger. wiring
  1. menghubungkan kabel
    An electrician came to wire the new house.
  2. mengikat dengan kawat
    They wired the broken gate shut.
  3. mengirimkan (uang atau pesan secara elektronik)
    She wired me the payment yesterday.
  4. memasang alat penyadap
    The police wired his office to gather evidence.