
weather (EN)
substantiivi, adjektiivi, verbi

substantiivi “weather”

sg. weather, pl. weathers or uncountable
  1. sää
    The weather is sunny today, so let's go to the beach.
  2. olosuhteet
    After the announcement, the company's financial weather improved.

adjektiivi “weather”

weather, non-gradable
  1. vastatuulen puoleinen
    The climbers struggled against strong winds on the weather side of the mountain.

verbi “weather”

weather; he weathers; past weathered, part. weathered; ger. weathering
  1. selviytyä
    Despite the challenges, they managed to weather the economic downturn and keep the business running.
  2. rapistua (sään vaikutuksesta)
    The old wooden fence had weathered to a silvery gray over the years.
  3. kuluttaa (sään vaikutuksesta)
    The constant waves and salt air weathered the coastal cliffs into unique shapes.
  4. ohittaa tuulen puolelta
    The ship had to weather the cape before the storm arrived.