
compliance (EN)

substantiivi “compliance”

yksikkö compliance, monikko compliances tai ei-laskettava
  1. noudattaminen
    The company's compliance with environmental regulations was applauded.
  2. vaatimustenmukaisuus
    All devices must be in compliance with safety standards.
  3. Compliance-osasto
    She was promoted to the compliance team to oversee legal matters.
  4. myöntyvyys
    His compliance made him popular among his colleagues.
  5. (lääketieteessä) se, missä määrin potilas noudattaa lääkärin ohjeita
    The doctor praised her for excellent compliance with the treatment plan.
  6. (mekaniikassa) materiaalin kyky muotoutua kuormituksen alla; joustavuus
    Engineers tested the compliance of the new bridge materials.