Substantiv “compliance”
Sg. compliance, Pl. compliances od. unz.
- Befolgung
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The company's compliance with environmental regulations was applauded.
- Einhaltung
All devices must be in compliance with safety standards.
- Compliance (Abteilung, die die Einhaltung von Gesetzen und Vorschriften sicherstellt)
She was promoted to the compliance team to oversee legal matters.
- Fügsamkeit
His compliance made him popular among his colleagues.
- (im Medizin) das Ausmaß, in dem ein Patient medizinischen Rat befolgt
The doctor praised her for excellent compliance with the treatment plan.
- (die Mechanik) die Fähigkeit eines Materials, sich unter Belastung zu verformen; Flexibilität
Engineers tested the compliance of the new bridge materials.