
compliance (EN)

Substantiv “compliance”

Sg. compliance, Pl. compliances od. unz.
  1. Befolgung
    The company's compliance with environmental regulations was applauded.
  2. Einhaltung
    All devices must be in compliance with safety standards.
  3. Compliance (Abteilung, die die Einhaltung von Gesetzen und Vorschriften sicherstellt)
    She was promoted to the compliance team to oversee legal matters.
  4. Fügsamkeit
    His compliance made him popular among his colleagues.
  5. (im Medizin) das Ausmaß, in dem ein Patient medizinischen Rat befolgt
    The doctor praised her for excellent compliance with the treatment plan.
  6. (die Mechanik) die Fähigkeit eines Materials, sich unter Belastung zu verformen; Flexibilität
    Engineers tested the compliance of the new bridge materials.