
truck (EN)
اسم، فعل

اسم “truck”

مفرد truck، جمع trucks
  1. کامیون
    The truck delivered goods to the supermarket.
  2. واگن باری
    The coal was loaded into the trucks at the station.
  3. چرخ‌دستی
    The worker used a truck to move heavy boxes.

فعل “truck”

مصدر truck؛ او trucks؛ گذشته trucked؛ اسم مفعول trucked؛ اسم مصدر trucking
  1. کامیون راندن
    He trucks across the country delivering fresh produce.
  2. با کامیون حمل کردن
    The company trucked the supplies to the remote town.
  3. معامله کردن (ارتباط داشتن)
    He refused to truck with those who broke the rules.