omadussõna “last”
tüvevorm last, mitteastmenduv
- viimane
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
She finished the race in last place, exhausted but proud to have completed it.
- viimane (konkursil või võistlusel)
In the race, he finished last, receiving only a participation ribbon.
- kõige vähem tõenäoline või sobilik
She was the last person I expected to see at the party, given her dislike for social gatherings.
määrsõna “last”
- eelmine (nädal, kuu jne)
I bought a new book last week.
määrsõna “last”
- viimasena
She last visited Paris in the summer.
- viimati
We watched everyone else present their projects, and then it was our turn to present last.
tegusõna “last”
infinitiiv last; ta lasts; minevik lasted; mineviku kesks. lasted; ger. lasting
- kestma
The meeting lasted three hours longer than we expected.
- vastu pidama
The battery in my flashlight lasted all night during the camping trip.
- vastu pidama (släng, mehe kohta, seksuaalkontekstis)
He tried to last longer to ensure they both enjoyed the moment.