
likely (EN)
adjective, adverb

adjective “likely”

base form likely, likelier, likeliest (or more/most)
  1. probable; having a good chance of happening
    The weather channel says heavy rainfall is likely this evening, so bring an umbrella.
  2. (followed by "to" and a verb) with a high likelihood being subjected to the given action
    They are likely to face delays if they leave during rush hour.
  3. appropriate or suitable; having good potential
    Given his background in engineering, he's a likely candidate to lead the new project.
  4. plausible; within the realm of credibility
    Her explanation seemed likely enough, though we still asked for more evidence.

adverb “likely”

likely (more/most)
  1. (mainly US) probably
    He will likely finish the renovation by Friday if nothing unexpected happens.