ˈsɪŋɡjəlɚ US ˈsɪŋɡjʊlə UK

singular (EN)
επίθετο, ουσιαστικό

επίθετο “singular”

βασική μορφή singular (more/most)
  1. ενικός
    The word “cat” is a singular noun, but “cats” is plural.
  2. παράξενος
    Many found his singular behavior at the party rather repelling.
  3. μοναδικός (ο μόνος του είδους του)
    The artist created a singular piece that was unlike any other.
  4. εξαιρετικός
    She showed singular bravery during the emergency.
  5. μοναδικός (ένας μόνο)
    In this case, we are focusing on the singular event that triggered the changes.
  6. (μαθηματικά, για έναν πίνακα) μη αντιστρέψιμος· με ορίζουσα ίση με μηδέν
    When a matrix is singular, it cannot be used to solve a system of equations.

ουσιαστικό “singular”

ενικός singular, πληθυντικός singulars
  1. ενικός αριθμός
    As a teacher, she explained the difference between singulars and plurals to her students.