
moment (EN)

ουσιαστικό “moment”

sg. moment, pl. moments or uncountable
  1. στιγμή
    At that moment, the lights went out.
  2. στιγμή (σύντομη χρονική περίοδος)
    I'll join you in a moment.
  3. κατάλληλη στιγμή
    When the rain stopped, it was the perfect moment to go for a walk.
  4. στιγμή (στη ζωή ή σε γεγονός)
    Graduating from college was a proud moment in her life.
  5. ξέσπασμα
    She had a moment when she couldn't find her keys and started shouting.
  6. ροπή
    The engineer calculated the moment required to lift the beam.
  7. ροπή (στα μαθηματικά)
    The second moment of the distribution indicates its variability.