that (EN)
Konjunktion, Artikel, Pronomen, Adverb

Konjunktion “that”

  1. dass
    She said that she would be late.

Artikel “that”

  1. jenes (wenn es sich um ein entferntes oder kontrastiertes Objekt handelt)
    Look at that mountain in the distance; it's beautiful.

Pronomen “that”

  1. der, die, das (je nach Geschlecht und Fall des Bezugswortes)
    The artist that won the award is a friend of mine.
  2. das
    I can't believe she finished the marathon. That's impressive.

Adverb “that”

  1. so (um das Ausmaß oder den Grad zu zeigen)
    She was that excited she couldn't stop smiling.
  2. so (um einen großen Umfang oder Grad zu betonen, oft in Verneinungen)
    I don't care that much about winning the game.