first (EN)
Adjektiv, Adverb, Substantiv

Adjektiv “first”

first, non-gradable
  1. erst
    My first attempt at baking a cake was a complete disaster.
  2. wichtigste (im Sinne von Rang oder Bedeutung)
    In her field, she is regarded as the first authority on genetic research.
  3. erstgeboren (im Sinne von Zugehörigkeit zu einer hochrangigen Familie)
    The first lady of the country is the wife of the president.

Adverb “first”

  1. zuerst
    First, let's go over the safety procedures before we start the experiment.
  2. anfangs
    She first met her future husband at a friend's wedding.

Substantiv “first”

sg. first, pl. firsts or uncountable
  1. der Erste
    She was the first in the race.
  2. der Erste Gang
    After starting the car, make sure it's in first before you pull away from the curb.
  3. die Premiere (im Sinne eines Ereignisses, das zum ersten Mal stattfindet)
    His invention was a first in the field of renewable energy technology.