Verb “find”
Infinitiv find; er finds; Prät. found; Part. found; Ger. finding
- zufällig entdecken
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While cleaning the attic, I found an old family photo album.
- finden (nach etwas suchen und es finden)
After searching all morning, I finally found my glasses in the refrigerator.
- ausfindig machen (für jemand anderen)
My friend found me a mechanic who could fix my car at a reasonable price.
- herausfinden
Through experimentation, scientists found that the substance changes color under UV light.
- erreichen (was man begehrt oder anstrebt)
After months of hard work, she finally found the success she had been seeking.
- erlangen
It seems he finally found a girlfriend.
- feststellen (Fehler oder Probleme identifizieren)
My teacher found several errors in my essay that I need to correct.
- beurteilen
After much consideration, the jury found the defendant guilty.
- treffen (im Sport den Ball erfolgreich zu einem Mitspieler oder ins Ziel befördern)
The quarterback found the receiver in the end zone for a touchdown.
Substantiv “find”
- Fund (ein entdecktes Objekt oder eine Person mit Talent)
The metal detectorist was thrilled with his latest find: a Roman coin.