blues (EN)
Substantiv, Substantiv, Substantiv

Dieses Wort kann auch eine Form von:
blue (Substantiv, Verb)

Substantiv “blues”

blues, plural only
  1. Schwermut
    After hearing the sad news, I've got the blues.
  2. Lebenserfahrungen (im Kontext von Schwierigkeiten)
    Growing up in poverty, he knew the blues of a hard life.
  3. Blaue uniform
    The officer looked sharp in his navy blues at the ceremony.

Substantiv “blues”

sg. blues, uncountable
  1. Blues (Musikrichtung)
    He spent the evening playing blues on his old guitar at the club.

Substantiv “blues”

sg. blues, pl. blues
  1. Ein lied oder eine komposition im blues-genre
    She played a slow blues on her guitar.