blues (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord, Selfstandige naamwoord, Selfstandige naamwoord

Hierdie woord kan ook 'n vorm wees van:
blue (Selfstandige naamwoord, werkwoord)

Selfstandige naamwoord “blues”

blues, plural only
  1. blues (melankolie of depressie)
    After hearing the sad news, I've got the blues.
  2. blues (lewenservarings, veral moeilike)
    Growing up in poverty, he knew the blues of a hard life.
  3. blou uniform (formele of seremoniële drag)
    The officer looked sharp in his navy blues at the ceremony.

Selfstandige naamwoord “blues”

sg. blues, uncountable
  1. blues (musiekstyl met Afrika-Amerikaanse oorsprong)
    He spent the evening playing blues on his old guitar at the club.

Selfstandige naamwoord “blues”

sg. blues, pl. blues
  1. 'n liedjie of komposisie in die blues-genre
    She played a slow blues on her guitar.