ˈdeɪli US UK

daily (EN)
adjectiu, adverbi, nom

adjectiu “daily”

forma base daily, no gradable
  1. diari
    She follows her daily exercise routine without fail.

adverbi “daily”

  1. diàriament
    He checks his email daily.

nom “daily”

singular daily, plural dailies
  1. un diari publicat cada dia
    He reads the daily to keep up with current events.
  2. (film) metratge no editat d'un dia de rodatge
    The director reviewed the dailies to plan the next scenes.
  3. (jocs) una tasca en un videojoc que es pot completar cada dia per obtenir recompenses
    Completing dailies is the fastest way to level up in the game.
  4. (Col·loquial, EUA) un vehicle utilitzat per a la conducció diària habitual.
    He drives his SUV as his daily and keeps the sports car for weekends.
  5. (persona al Regne Unit) que treballa com a netejador/a durant el dia
    They hired a daily to help maintain the large house.