
sleep (EN)
glagol, imenica

glagol “sleep”

infinitiv sleep; on sleeps; prošlo vrijeme slept; prošli part. slept; ger. sleeping
  1. spavati
    After working late, she slept until noon the next day.
  2. spavati (imati seksualni odnos)
    Rumors spread that the actor slept with his co-star.
  3. imati kapacitet za spavanje
    The cottage sleeps six comfortably.
  4. pauzirati (u računarstvu)
    The backup script sleeps for five minutes before retrying.

imenica “sleep”

jednina sleep, množina sleeps ili nebrojivo
  1. san
    A good night's sleep helps you concentrate.
  2. spavanje
    She had a quick sleep before the party.
  3. noć, koristi se za brojanje koliko noći preostaje do nekog događaja
    Only two more sleeps until the big game!
  4. krmelj
    He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.