
sleep (EN)

動詞 “sleep”

不定詞 sleep; 三単現 sleeps; 過去形 slept; 過去分詞 slept; 動名詞 sleeping
  1. 眠る
    After working late, she slept until noon the next day.
  2. 寝る(性的な意味で)
    Rumors spread that the actor slept with his co-star.
  3. 収容する(ベッドの数に関して)
    The cottage sleeps six comfortably.
  4. スリープする
    The backup script sleeps for five minutes before retrying.

名詞 “sleep”

単数形 sleep、複数形 sleeps または不可算
  1. 睡眠
    A good night's sleep helps you concentrate.
  2. 睡眠時間
    She had a quick sleep before the party.
  3. イベントまであと何泊かを数えるのに使われる夜
    Only two more sleeps until the big game!
  4. 目やに
    He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.