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compare (EN)
glagol, imenica

glagol “compare”

infinitiv compare; on compares; prošlo vrijeme compared; prošli part. compared; ger. comparing
  1. upoređivati
    When you compare an apple to an orange, you'll notice they taste quite different.
  2. uspoređivati (u smislu nalaziti sličnosti)
    Critics often compare the movie's special effects to those seen in a high-budget blockbuster.
  3. gradirati
    In English, we compared the adjective "fast" as "faster" and "fastest".
  4. biti sličan ili jednak (često se koristi da se kaže da dvije stvari nisu jednake)
    My homemade cookies can't compare to my grandmother's recipe.

imenica “compare”

jednina compare, množina compares ili nebrojivo
  1. poređenje (često se koristi da se izrazi da nema ništa bolje)
    Her singing voice is beyond compare, unmatched by any in the choir.