
vlastita imenica, imenica

vlastita imenica “IRA”

  1. Irish Republican Army, organizacija koja je nastojala okončati britansku vlast u Sjevernoj Irskoj.
    During the 1980s, the activities of the IRA were frequently in the news.
  2. Inflation Reduction Act, američki savezni zakon usmjeren na smanjenje inflacije i rješavanje klimatskih promjena.
    Lawmakers debated the potential impacts of the IRA on the economy.
  3. Internet Research Agency, ruska organizacija poznata po operacijama uticaja na internetu.
    Reports indicated that the IRA was involved in spreading misinformation online.

imenica “IRA”

jednina IRA, množina IRAs
  1. Individual Retirement Account, lični plan štednje u SAD-u koji nudi poreske pogodnosti za izdvajanje novca za penziju.
    Sarah decided to open an IRA to save money for her retirement with tax benefits.