
jeneng khusus, kata benda

jeneng khusus “IRA”

  1. Irish Republican Army, sawijining organisasi sing ngupaya ngakhiri pamaréntahan Inggris ing Irlandia Lor.
    During the 1980s, the activities of the IRA were frequently in the news.
  2. Inflation Reduction Act, sawijining undang-undang federal AS sing tujuane ngurangi inflasi lan ngatasi perubahan iklim.
    Lawmakers debated the potential impacts of the IRA on the economy.
  3. Internet Research Agency, sawijining organisasi Rusia sing dikenal amarga operasi pengaruh online.
    Reports indicated that the IRA was involved in spreading misinformation online.

kata benda “IRA”

tunggal IRA, jamak IRAs
  1. Individual Retirement Account, rencana tabungan pribadi ing AS sing nawakake kauntungan pajak kanggo nyisihake dhuwit kanggo pensiun.
    Sarah decided to open an IRA to save money for her retirement with tax benefits.