
conduct (EN)
fel, isim

fel “conduct”

müəyyən olmayan feil conduct; o conducts; keçmiş zaman conducted; keçmiş part. conducted; gerund conducting
  1. aparmaq
    The researchers conducted several experiments to test their hypothesis.
  2. rəhbərlik etmək
    The CEO conducted a meeting with all the department heads to discuss the new strategy.
  3. davranmaq
    Despite the pressure, he conducted himself calmly throughout the interview.
  4. (fizika) istiliyi və ya elektrik cərəyanını keçirməyə imkan vermək
    Metal wires are used because they conduct electricity very efficiently.
  5. dirijorluq etmək
    She conducted the orchestra at the famous concert hall.

isim “conduct”

tək conduct, sayıla bilməz
  1. davranış
    The student's conduct in class was commendable, earning praise from the teacher.
  2. idarəetmə
    The committee reviewed the conduct of the election to ensure fairness.
  3. süjet (ədəbiyyatda)
    Critics praised the novel's conduct for its intricate and surprising twists.