Verb “conduct”
Infinitiv conduct; er conducts; Prät. conducted; Part. conducted; Ger. conducting
- durchführen
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The researchers conducted several experiments to test their hypothesis.
- leiten
The CEO conducted a meeting with all the department heads to discuss the new strategy.
- sich verhalten
Despite the pressure, he conducted himself calmly throughout the interview.
- (Physik) Wärme oder Elektrizität durchlassen.
Metal wires are used because they conduct electricity very efficiently.
- dirigieren
She conducted the orchestra at the famous concert hall.
Substantiv “conduct”
Singular conduct, unzählbar
- Verhalten
The student's conduct in class was commendable, earning praise from the teacher.
- Durchführung
The committee reviewed the conduct of the election to ensure fairness.
- Handlung (eines literarischen Werks)
Critics praised the novel's conduct for its intricate and surprising twists.