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firm (EN)
صفة، اسم، فعل

صفة “firm”

firm، مقارن firmer، تفضيل firmest
  1. صلب
    She preferred a firm pillow to support her neck at night.
  2. ثابت
    They made a firm commitment to meet every Thursday.
  3. راسخ
    Despite the controversy, she remained a firm supporter of the project.
  4. مصر
    Despite her children's pleas for more screen time, she remained firm in her decision that one hour was enough.
  5. صارم
    The teacher maintained a firm grip on classroom management, ensuring all students were focused and learning.

اسم “firm”

مفرد firm، جمع firms أو غير معدود
  1. شركة
    After graduating, Mia started working at a law firm downtown, specializing in environmental law.

فعل “firm”

مصدر firm؛ هو firms؛ ماضٍ firmed؛ مفعول firmed؛ فاعل firming
  1. يقوي أو يصلب (شيئًا)
    After adding the egg, she firmed up the mixture until it could hold its shape.
  2. يرتفع (في سياق الأسعار)
    After the announcement, gold prices firmed significantly, gaining $20 per ounce.