nice (EN)

形容词 “nice”

nice, nicer, nicest
  1. 愉快的
    We had a picnic in the park because it was such nice weather.
  2. 好看的
    She wore a nice dress to the party, and everyone complimented her on it.
  3. 友好的
    She gave me a nice smile when I entered the room.
  4. 体面的
    He's too nice to be involved in such a scandal.
  5. 强调后面形容词的愉悦性。
    She made us a nice warm meal on a cold day.
  6. (后接“and”)加强形容词的程度
    The bed is nice and cozy, perfect for a cold night.

副词 “nice”

  1. 好地(以一种友好或表现良好的方式)
    During the game, remember to play nice.

感叹词 “nice”

  1. 好(表示赞同)
    You got an A on your test? Nice!