hermit (EN)

名词 “hermit”

sg. hermit, pl. hermits
  1. 隐士(出于宗教原因独居的人)
    The hermit spent his days in a tiny hut on the mountain, praying and meditating in solitude.
  2. 香料曲奇(一种加了香料、糖蜜、葡萄干和坚果的饼干)
    Grandma baked her special hermits for the bake sale, and they were the first to sell out.
  3. 寄居蟹(居住在其他生物壳中的螃蟹)
    The hermit scuttled across the sand, searching for a larger shell to call home as it had outgrown its current one.
  4. 隐蜂鸟(属于隐蜂鸟亚科的一种蜂鸟)
    Birdwatchers were excited to spot a rare hermit flitting among the flowers in the tropical forest.