
given (EN)

give (动词)

介词 “given”

  1. 鉴于
    Given his lack of experience, he did an excellent job.

名词 “given”

  1. 假定(在逻辑或数学中作为前提的事实)
    In solving the puzzle, the first given was that all the pieces must fit within the frame without overlapping.

形容词 “given”

基本形式 given,不可分级
  1. 预先安排的
    The students had to complete the project by the given deadline of March 15th.
  2. 特定的
    Only one person is allowed inside at a given time.
  3. 有…倾向的(指某人习惯性地做某事)
    She was given to arriving early at every appointment.