
Long Island (EN)

专有名词 “Long Island”

  1. 美国纽约州的一个岛屿,位于曼哈顿以东,包括布鲁克林、皇后区、拿骚县和苏福克县。
    Their trip to New York included visits to several neighborhoods on Long Island, such as Brooklyn and Queens.
  2. 巴哈马的一个以美丽海滩和清澈蓝色海水而闻名的岛屿。
    During their holiday on Long Island in the Bahamas, they went diving and saw colorful coral reefs.
  3. 安提瓜和巴布达的一个岛屿
    The cruise ship stopped at Long Island in Antigua, where they spent the afternoon exploring the island's natural beauty.

词组 “Long Island”

  1. 一种用伏特加、朗姆酒、龙舌兰酒、杜松子酒、橙味利口酒、柠檬汁和可乐制成的烈性鸡尾酒。
    To celebrate his promotion, he ordered a Long Island, his favorite cocktail.