
Long Island (EN)
lastno ime, besedna zveza

lastno ime “Long Island”

  1. otok v zvezni državi New York, ZDA, ki se nahaja vzhodno od Manhattna in vključuje okrožja Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau in Suffolk
    Their trip to New York included visits to several neighborhoods on Long Island, such as Brooklyn and Queens.
  2. otok na Bahamih, znan po svojih čudovitih plažah in kristalno modri vodi
    During their holiday on Long Island in the Bahamas, they went diving and saw colorful coral reefs.
  3. otok v Antigvi in Barbudi
    The cruise ship stopped at Long Island in Antigua, where they spent the afternoon exploring the island's natural beauty.

besedna zveza “Long Island”

  1. močan alkoholni koktajl narejen z vodko, rumom, tekilo, ginom, trojno sek, limoninim sokom in kolo
    To celebrate his promotion, he ordered a Long Island, his favorite cocktail.