K (EN)

k (字母,名词,感叹词,符号)

字母 “K”

  1. 字母"k"的大写形式
    Kevin wrote his name with a capital K at the beginning.

名词 “K”

sg. K, pl. Ks
  1. 幼儿园的缩写
    Our school offers a comprehensive K-8 program, starting from kindergarten all the way through to eighth grade.
  2. 一千的非正式表达方式
    I earn about 70K per year.
  3. 国王(在纸牌游戏和国际象棋中)
    Moving K to B1 is often a player's top priority.
  4. K粉是一种因其解离效果而闻名的药物的俚语。
    After taking K at the party, he felt disconnected from everything around him.
  5. 科切尔编号(一种用于通过目录号识别莫扎特作品的简称)
    Mozart's Symphony No. 40 is listed as K. 550 in the Köchel catalogue.
  6. “knighthood”(由君主授予某人的荣誉称号)的缩写。
    After years of service, the professor was honored with a K, recognizing his contributions to science.

感叹词 “K”

  1. 短信中非正式说法的“好的”
    K, I'll meet you at 8.

符号 “K”

  1. 化学元素钾的符号(源自拉丁语kalium)
    Bananas are a good source of K, which is essential for muscle function.
  2. 开尔文(温度的计量单位)
    Water freezes at 273.15 K under standard atmospheric conditions.
  3. 用于印刷中代表黑色的符号是“K”。
    In the CMYK color model, "K" stands for black, which is used in addition to cyan, magenta, and yellow.
  4. 赖氨酸(一种必需氨基酸)的符号
    In the protein sequence, "K" stands for lysine, an essential amino acid.
  5. 水力传导性的符号(在地质学中衡量流体通过多孔材料的流动容易程度的一种测量)。
    The high K value of the sandy soil indicates its good ability to allow water to pass through.