war (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “war”

sg. war, pl. wars or uncountable
  1. urush
    The country was devastated by years of war, leaving many cities in ruins.
  2. raqobat (jismoniy jang qilmasdan ustunlikka erishish uchun)
    The two tech giants are in a fierce war over smartphone market share.
  3. kurash (zararli yoki yomon deb hisoblangan narsani to'xtatish yoki yo'q qilish uchun)
    The city has been waging a war against pollution for years.
  4. bahs (turli fikrlarga ega odamlar o'rtasidagi qizg'in tortishuv)
    The comment section turned into a war over the best way to cook pasta.

feʼl “war”

war; he wars; past warred, part. warred; ger. warring
  1. jang qilmoq
    The two countries war with each other over the disputed territory.