Nafnorð “war”
eintala war, fleirtala wars eða óteljanlegt
- stríð
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The country was devastated by years of war, leaving many cities in ruins.
- samkeppni (án vopna)
The two tech giants are in a fierce war over smartphone market share.
- barátta
The city has been waging a war against pollution for years.
- rifrildi (á netinu)
The comment section turned into a war over the best way to cook pasta.
sögn “war”
nafnháttur war; hann wars; þátíð warred; lh. þt. warred; nhm. warring
- berjast
The two countries war with each other over the disputed territory.