ot “translation”
yakka translation, koʻplik translations yoki sanalmaydigan
- tarjima
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
After visiting France, I had to get the translation of the guidebook to understand the historical context.
- tarjimonlik (tarjima bilan shug'ullanuvchi o'quv sohasi sifatida)
She studied translation for her master's degree and became an expert in French literature.
- o'girish (bir shakldan yoki vositadan boshqasiga o'zgartirish)
The artist's translation of his vision into a sculpture amazed everyone at the gallery.
- to'g'ri chiziqli harakat (aylanishsiz va shaklini o'zgartirmasdan)
In our physics class, we learned that translation of an object means it moves from one point to another without rotating.
- oqsilbiosintezi (mRNA zanjirining oqsillarni yaratishda qo'llanilishi)
The biology professor explained that translation is the step in protein synthesis where ribosomes create proteins.
- vazifadoshlik o'zgartirish (ruhoniyning bir cherkov okrug'idan boshqasiga ko'chirilishi)
The bishop's translation to a new diocese was a significant event for the local church community.
- muqaddas narsalarni ko'chirish (muqaddas buyumning bir muqaddas joydan boshqasiga o'tkazilishi)
The translation of the saint's relics was accompanied by a grand procession through the streets of the city.