
sky (EN)

ot “sky”

yakka sky, koʻplik skies yoki sanalmaydigan
  1. osmon
    The children spent the afternoon lying on the grass, gazing up at the blue sky.
  2. osmon (ma'lum bir joydan ko'riladigan, ob-havo yoki ajralib turadigan xususiyatlari bilan tavsiflanadigan atmosfera qismi)
    The night sky was clear, allowing us to see the constellation Orion perfectly.
  3. osmon (ko'pincha adabiy va she'riy, eski ma'noda: ilohiy mavjudotlar va oxirat dunyosi, ko'pincha jannat sifatida tasvirlanadi)
    Ancient civilizations often depicted the sky as a dome where the deities resided.