most (EN)
aniqlik bildiruvchi, ravish, olmosh

aniqlik bildiruvchi “most”

  1. eng koʻp (hisoblanmaydigan ismlar bilan ishlatiladi)
    She ate the most cake at the party.
  2. eng koʻp (sanaladigan ot bilan ishlatiladi)
    She has the most books in her collection.
  3. ko'pchilik
    Most children love playing in the park.

ravish “most”

  1. eng
    She is the most talented singer in the competition.
  2. juda
    She was most excited to see the concert.
  3. deyarli (Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarida ishlatiladigan, lekin tavsiya etilmaydigan so'z)
    "Most everyone came to the party," said the American. "You mean almost everyone?" replied the Brit.

olmosh “most”

  1. koʻpchilik (otdan tashqari ishlatilganda)
    Most don't know the meaning of life; the rest are drunk.