
machine (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “machine”

birlik machine, koʻplik machines
  1. qurilma
    The factory is full of machines that assemble cars.
  2. kompyuter
    She spends most of her day working on her machine.
  3. avtomat (telefon qo'ng'iroqlarini qabul qiluvchi)
    I called him, but I got his machine instead.
  4. siyosiy tashkilot (kuchli va ta'sirli)
    The political machine helped him get elected to office.
  5. berilgan vazifani samarali, charchamasdan yoki shafqatsiz bajaradigan shaxs
    He is a scoring machine; he leads the league in points.
  6. kir yuvish mashinasi
    Please put the clothes in the machine.

feʼl “machine”

infinitive machine; u machines; oʻtgan zamon machined; oʻtgan zamon part. machined; ger. machining
  1. ishlov bermoq (qurilma yordamida)
    The engineer machined the metal parts to precise dimensions.