Nafnorð “machine”
eintala machine, fleirtala machines
- vél
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The factory is full of machines that assemble cars.
- tölva
She spends most of her day working on her machine.
- símsvari
I called him, but I got his machine instead.
- valdaklíka
The political machine helped him get elected to office.
- einstaklingur sem framkvæmir tiltekið verkefni á skilvirkan, þreytulausan eða miskunnarlausan hátt
He is a scoring machine; he leads the league in points.
- þvottavél
Please put the clothes in the machine.
sögn “machine”
nafnháttur machine; hann machines; þátíð machined; lh. þt. machined; nhm. machining
- vinna með vél
The engineer machined the metal parts to precise dimensions.