have (EN)
yordamchi fe’l, feʼl

yordamchi fe’l “have”

have, 've, neg. haven't, he has, 's, neg. hasn't, ger. having; past perfect auxiliary had, neg. hadn't
  1. "fe'lning mukammal zamonini hosil qiladi"
    We have lived in this town for ten years.

feʼl “have”

have; he has; past had, part. had; ger. having
  1. ega boʻlmoq
    She has a new bicycle.
  2. oʻz ichiga olmoq
    This cake has nuts in it, so be careful if you're allergic.
  3. isteʼmol qilmoq
    Let's have lunch together tomorrow.
  4. amalga oshirmoq
    May I have a look?
  5. rejalashtirmoq (voqea yoki faoliyat uchun)
    I have a meeting at 3 PM.
  6. boshdan kechirmoq
    She had a great time at the party.
  7. kasallikka chalinmoq (bu kasallikka uchraganlikni bildiradi)
    My neighbor has the flu.
  8. topmoq (rasmiyatsiz)
    That rare book you're looking for can't be had for love nor money.
  9. sevgili qabul qilmoq
    He asked her to marry him, but she wouldn't have him.
  10. qildirmoq (biror kishini biror ishni qilishga majburlash)
    My parents had me clean my room before I could go out.
  11. holatga keltirmoq (biror kishini yoki narsani)
    The boss had the whole team working overtime.
  12. taʼsirlanmoq (voqea yoki harakatdan)
    The school had several teachers retire this year, causing staffing problems.
  13. aldab olmoq (rasmiyatsiz)
    She sold me a fake ticket to the concert; I've been had.
  14. yoʻl qoʻymaslik
    He kept asking for a raise, but his boss wasn't having it.
  15. ishonmaslik
    He tried to tell me he was late because of traffic, but I wasn't having it.
  16. mehmon qilmoq
    We're having guests over for dinner tonight.