ot “generation”
birlik generation, koʻplik generations
- avlod
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
My grandparents' generation still wrote letters by hand, whereas mine mostly communicates online.
- avlod (taxminan o'ttiz yil)
Within just two generations, the village transformed itself into a bustling city.
- avlod (nasl)
Four generations of his family have run the bakery on the corner.
- avlod (texnologiya)
The next generation of smartphones will include even more advanced cameras.
- avlod (pop madaniyat)
Some fans argue passionately about which generation of their favorite show was the best.
- (mediyada) avvalgi nusxadan olingan yozuv nusxasi
The news station cautioned that each new generation of the footage would lose image clarity.
ot “generation”
yakka generation, sanalmas
- ishlab chiqarish
The generation of solar energy is vital for reducing our carbon footprint.
- (geometriyada) nuqta yoki chiziqni qoidaga muvofiq harakatlantirish orqali shakl hosil qilish
In class, we practiced the generation of a circle by spinning a line around one endpoint.