cornucopia (EN)

ot “cornucopia”

sg. cornucopia, pl. cornucopias, cornucopiae or uncountable
  1. sehrli shox (Yunon mifologiyasidagi, istalgan narsalar bilan to'lib-toshadigan)
    The painting depicted a bountiful cornucopia, symbolizing prosperity and the harvest.
  2. shoxsimon bezak buyumi (oziq-ovqat yoki boshqa istalgan narsalar bilan to'ldirilgan)
    For Thanksgiving, we made a decorative cornucopia centerpiece filled with autumn fruits and vegetables.
  3. katta miqdor yoki zaxira (katta boylik yoki mo'l-ko'lchilikni bildiradi)
    The farmer's market was a cornucopia of fresh produce, with every kind of fruit and vegetable you could imagine.