cornucopia (EN)

名詞 “cornucopia”

sg. cornucopia, pl. cornucopias, cornucopiae or uncountable
  1. 豊穣の角(ギリシャ神話に登場する、食べ物や花、穀物などが絶えず溢れ出る魔法の角)
    The painting depicted a bountiful cornucopia, symbolizing prosperity and the harvest.
  2. ホーン型の装飾品(食べ物や望ましい物で満たされた角や円錐形の装飾物)
    For Thanksgiving, we made a decorative cornucopia centerpiece filled with autumn fruits and vegetables.
  3. 豊富(何かの大量または供給;大いなる豊かさ)
    The farmer's market was a cornucopia of fresh produce, with every kind of fruit and vegetable you could imagine.