
needle (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “needle”

sg. needle, pl. needles
  1. голка
    The doctor used a sterile needle to give him a vaccine.
  2. голка (листок дерева)
    The forest floor was covered in pine needles.
  3. стрілка
    The compass needle always points north.
  4. голка (звукознімач)
    He carefully placed the needle on the vinyl record.
  5. рядок (у програмуванні)
    The function search(text, needle, haystack) has three parameters.
  6. смертельна ін'єкція
    The criminal was sentenced to die by the needle.

дієслово “needle”

needle; he needles; past needled, part. needled; ger. needling
  1. колоти
    The acupuncturist needled specific points on her back to relieve pain.
  2. дражнити
    She kept needling him about his tardiness until he apologized.
  3. загострюватися
    The ice crystals needled together on the windowpane overnight.