
low (EN)
прикметник, іменник, прислівник, дієслово

прикметник “low”

low, lower, lowest
  1. низький
    The books are on a low shelf.
  2. низький
    The store offered low prices during the sale.
  3. низький (за статусом)
    He started his career in a low position.
  4. тихий
    Please speak in a low voice in the library.
  5. низький (за тоном)
    The singer's low notes were impressive.
  6. пригнічений
    She felt low after the argument.
  7. з низьким вмістом
    She follows a diet low in carbohydrates.

іменник “low”

sg. low, pl. lows
  1. мінімум
    The stock market reached a new low today.
  2. депресія
    After losing his job, he went through a low.
  3. мінімальна температура
    Tonight's low is expected to be below freezing.
  4. циклон
    The approaching low will bring rain.
  5. перша передача
    He shifted into low to drive up the steep hill.

прислівник “low”

low, lower, lowest
  1. низько
    The helicopter flew low over the city.
  2. низько (за тоном)
    The singer can sing very low.
  3. тихо
    They whispered low so no one would hear them.

дієслово “low”

low; he lows; past lowed, part. lowed; ger. lowing
  1. мукати
    The cows began to low as the farmer approached.