isim “exposure”
tekil exposure, çoğul exposures veya sayılamayan
- maruz kalma
Kayıt olun örnek cümlelerin çevirilerini ve her kelimenin tek dilli tanımlarını görmek için.
People should limit their exposure to the sun to prevent skin damage.
- ifşa
The newspaper's exposure of the company's illegal activities shocked the public.
- maruz kalma (bir kişi veya kuruluşun sahip olduğu finansal risk miktarı)
The bank reduced its exposure to high-risk loans after the crisis.
- maruz kalma (yeni fikirlere veya ortamlara)
Studying abroad offers great exposure to different cultures and languages.
- poz
The photographer adjusted the exposure to capture the scene perfectly.
- cephe
Their house has a southern exposure, making it warm and sunny all day.
- donma tehlikesi
The stranded climbers were at risk of exposure in the freezing temperatures.
- teşhir (gizli olması beklenen bir şeyi gösterme eylemi, örneğin cinsel organlar)
He was arrested for indecent exposure.