Substantiv “exposure”
Sg. exposure, Pl. exposures od. unz.
- Ausgesetztsein
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People should limit their exposure to the sun to prevent skin damage.
- Enthüllung
The newspaper's exposure of the company's illegal activities shocked the public.
- Exposition (die menge an finanziellem risiko, das eine person oder organisation hat)
The bank reduced its exposure to high-risk loans after the crisis.
- Kontakt
Studying abroad offers great exposure to different cultures and languages.
- Belichtung
The photographer adjusted the exposure to capture the scene perfectly.
- Ausrichtung
Their house has a southern exposure, making it warm and sunny all day.
- Unterkühlung (durch Witterungseinflüsse)
The stranded climbers were at risk of exposure in the freezing temperatures.
- Entblößung (die Handlung, etwas zu zeigen, das verborgen sein sollte, wie zum Beispiel Genitalien)
He was arrested for indecent exposure.